My Head is an Animal is the debut album from six piece Iceland indie folk band Of Monsters and Men. The title of the album comes from the second line of their song ‘Dirty Paws’. The album was released in North America and Europe in 2012 after topping the Iceland charts with their single ‘Little Talks’. This song helped push the band’s name out to the rest of the world. The 12 track album is vibrant and full of life with some mellow tunes intertwined through to slow things down. My Head is an Animal is soft and delicate, but strong all at once. As I listen I am reminded of warriors going into battle or someone wandering through the woods. Each track is packed with its own intensity and beauty.

Though the songs are sung with such charm and sweet joy, you can feel the soft sadness in the music. The melodies and harmonies are warm and mind melting (in a good way). Yet cold is the word that comes to mind when I listen to the lyrics, but I can’t turn it off. It is interesting blend that adds as a hook to captivate your ear. Each song has pure incense that (not paying attention to what is being said) is tranquil and calming.

The instruments are uplifting and quite charming at times; somber other times, and then they are in your face like war. The music takes you on a trip through not only the romance of the songs, but the epic tales of Icelandic culture. My Head is an Animal is more than meets the eye; it has a deeper message. The songs have a quiet undertone filled with the Icelandic culture of epic tales of journeys, battles, and creatures that take you beyond the romance that catches the listener from the get go. Never the less, the music that the band creates sounds so effortless and full; one would think these musicians don’t even have to try to produce such a full elaborate sound. Each member adds a bit of passion to the mix throughout the album. The soft powers behind the instrumental sections are irresistible.

Of Monsters and Men is a band with a very promising future ahead. My Head is an Animal is the debut album and a quite popular one at that and mustn’t be overlooked. I think this foreshadows the successes the band will meet in the future. I think that Of Monsters and Men would be a very powerful live performance judging by the power in their music. This is only the beginning for Iceland’s indie folk group, but we can all expect bigger and better things from them down the road.

Discover Of Monsters and Men: Official // Facebook

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